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The Story of April's Aprons

Grandma Davis

April's Aprons began in 2008 from a simple request to make my Grandma Davis an apron. I wanted to make it my own and surprise her the next time I would see her. In conjunction with a family tradition of getting together for Grandma and granddaughter weekend, six cousins including myself would spend the night with her and reminiscence of memories from our past. This particular celebration we were planning to record our favorite recipes from Grandma and cook them together, so I decided to surprise them all with aprons. I was so excited to make them something that would take us all back to remembering our Grandma and moms in the kitchen cooking collard greens, corn bread, chicken dumplings, and homemade biscuits. The aprons were a huge success and they loved them including Grandma. Immediately they started saying, "You should do this as a business!"

I never knew much about a sewing machine or much less had an interest in learning to sew while growing up. It wasn't until I married into my wonderful extended family that I became intrigued and inspired to learn how to sew. I found my niche in revamping but still maintaining the traditional apron style. As a special gift from my cousins, I was given the domain name AprilsAprons.com and my journey evolved with numerous twists and turns of an experience I am still grateful for and truly excited about today.

Thank you to all of my friends and family who have stood beside me and helped me along the way. This experience has been a true gift from God and I am so grateful for this opportunity.